General Information
Embracing courage, determination and joy in our language journey towards bilingualism.
Transportation is the parent's responsibility. Where there is space, students may ride on school district buses. Bussing is frequently not available; carpooling and city busses are other options.
Time Allotment of English and French Instruction:
The Board supports a French Immersion Program that will ensure a strong French academic program for students in elementary, middle and secondary schools. The time allocations for the instruction in English and French are as follows:
Kindergarten to Grade 3 | 100% instruction in French |
Grade 4 - 7 | 75% -80% instruction in French 20% -25% instruction in English Language Arts |
Grades 8 - 10 | Minimum of 50% (3 courses) instruction in French |
Grade 11 | Minimum of 25% (2 courses) instruction in French |
Grade 12 | Minimum of 12.5% (1 course) instruction in French |
Report Cards
Report cards are written in English and issued three times a year in elementary and four times per year in secondary.
Curricular and Extra-Curricular Opportunities
The focus on language development does not inhibit the development of skills in other curricular areas (Math, Science, Socials, English, Fine Arts...). French Immersion students have identical opportunities to take part in all school and district programs: Science Fair, Heritage Fair, Extra-Curricular Sports, Mass Choir, etc.
Specific opportunities are provided for cultural and French language development: Concours, Theatre, Carnival, visiting French authors, etc.
School Resources
Each dual-track school has a French section in the library consisting of both fiction and non-fiction materials.
Learning Services
Immersion students have the same spectrum of abilities as any other cross section of the populations. For children having difficulties, learning assistance is available. Case management is also available for students with special needs. This may be provided in English or in French depending on personnel currently available at each school.
All School District No. 5 parents and students have access to specialists such as school counsellors, speech and language pathologists, and school psychologists (for psycho-educational testing).