FI Parents


Embracing courage, determination and joy in our language journey towards bilingualism. 

Canadian Parents for French (C.P.F.):

Canadian Parents for French is a registered charity, composed primarily of English-speaking members, advocating the value of French as an integral part of Canada.

The Role of the Parent:

Preparing Your Child for Schooling

It is important to talk to your child about schooling before opening day in September. Let your child know that the teacher will be speaking French and that it's important to watch the gestures of the teacher while French is being learned.   Be sure to encourage a growth mindset and a positive attitude toward the productive struggles of learning something new.

For all children, parental encouragement makes a great difference in a child's attitude towards school. Your enthusiasm for the French Immersion program is very important.  Although you may not speak French (like most Immersion parents) you are still the positive force in encouraging your child at home. Be available to talk to your child about their day. Ask them to teach you new French words!

Reading to Your Child

We can’t emphasize enough the importance of continuing to read to your child on a regular basis in your family language to provide background experiences and vocabulary.  

The Need for a Break

It is normal for your child to come home a little weary; after all, this is a very new experience.  Your child will be concentrating hard on new vocabulary and concepts. Please ensure that your child has adequate rest and relaxation from the mental and emotional effort of the day. Children need 8-11 hours of sleep each day depending on their age!

Home and School Communication

Communication between parents and teacher is essential. Parents are encouraged to meet with the teachers to discuss the progress of their children. For a formal interview, contact the teacher ahead of time to set up a time and date. If something occurs in your home, which could upset your child, such as the death of a pet or a change in the family situation, it is important that the teacher be informed right away.

If you feel something at school is interfering with your child's learning, informing the teacher is key.