Parent Resources
DPAC Constitution and Bylaws - June 20, 2020 Update
SE Kootenay DPAC Policy and Procedure Manual
Six Steps of Making Motions
Local resource documents are uploaded to the website in PDF format, if you do not already have a PDF Reader installed on your computer please get ADOBE Reader here.
BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC)
The BCCPAC is a charitable organization registered under the Society Act of BC, representing the parents of children attending the provincial public schools. Membership is made up of the Parent Advisory Councils (PAC), District Parent Advisory Councils (DPAC), and parent associate members. Collectively, we represent the parents of the children in BC.
Their website is a valuable resource for individual parents, PAC and DPAC.
BCCPAC Speaking Up!
Speaking Up series; A step-by-step guide to resolution advocacy for parents, who want to become better advocates for their children. This guide gives information on: how the school system works, outlines parent and students rights and responsibilities. Provides strategies for advocating for children and supports student self-advocacy
Food & Beverage Sales in BC Schools
Other Resources
Partners in Learning believes that children have the best possible chance to reach their full potential when educators and parents work in partnership to provide supportive learning environments. What can I do to support my child’s early learning experiences? We have a set of 4 newsletters that schools and parent groups can use to answer this very important question.
- Issue One_Reading to Children from the Beginning.pdf
- Issue Two_Understanding and Comprehending What We Read.pdf
- IssueThree_Writing-Getting Ideas Down.pdf
- Issue Four_Writing-Making It Better.pdf
- Issue Five_Understanding and Learning from Reading.pdf
- Issue Six_Becoming a Writer.pdf
- Issue Seven_Becoming a Better Writer.pdf
- Issue Eight_Learning About Numbers.pdf
- Issue Nine_Behaviours That Make a Difference for Learning.pdf
- Issue Ten_The ABC’s of Preventing the Summer Slide.pdf