SD5 Draft Policies for Review and Feedback
SD5 continually updates their current policies (policies indicate how the Board and/or District operate regarding each specific item). As educational partners, who may be affected by these policies, parents are encouraged to supply feedback/suggestions to each policy while in it is in "Draft" form.
The Board carefully considers all feedback received, prior to adopting any policy for SD5.
Feedback is accepted by answering three (3) questions. These questions will take 5 to 10 minutes to answer.
- What are the strengths of this policy (i.e. things that you would not want to see lost or taken out)?
- What does this policy not address? This includes the wording of the policy. Is it clearly understood?
- Do you have any further comments/suggestions?
Please e-mail any responses that you have to these questions to SD5 DPAC. We encourage you to check back often as this page will update regularly.